“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” Romans 12:15
Happy Monday!
So often, it can be difficult to rejoice with those we love when we experiencing personal struggles. Recent weeks have been challenging for me; however, on Sunday I was elated to hear a friend’s good report. A new professional opportunity was on the horizon and the other “yes’s were lining up”!
“It just happened,” he interjected as I fussed about my delayed notification. This moment was consistent with our normal exchanges, so he knew he had to provide details. As he outlined each facet of the ventures, I began to smile and get excited as if I had won the prize. At no time was I jealous, rather, I rejoiced with a friend who has prayed and worked hard. When you are aware of someone’s storms, it makes it easier to celebrate when the clouds disappear. Thankfully, our relationship is reciprocal and he is one of my graduate school cheerleaders. “Hang in there, Le Le,” are the kinds of one-line emails I get at just the right moment.
After our conversation, I thanked God for the blessings and thought, “I am so happy for him.” It would have been easy to think that the same things should be happening for me, but for a few minutes, I took the time to consider the gift of someone else’s blessings. I rejoiced!
This week, thank God for the people who will authentically rejoice with you. Haters are a dime a dozen, but a true friend is priceless. “Hi Hater!” Even if your blessings are delayed, thank God for what He is doing in the lives of those you love. As I considered the transitions soon to take place in my friend’s life, I remembered that God is still in the blessing business and I am still on His mind. His testimony was just the little faith “boost” I needed. Is it possible that God allows us to share in someone else’s blessings just to see how we will respond? I am not sure, but it is something to consider the next time we consider a taste of haterade.
As always, continue to walk in your blessings and rejoice!
P.S. This week’s photo was taken in Kalona, Iowa, which is located about 15 miles outside of Iowa City. On Saturday, I attended the Kalona Fall Festival with some sister friends who make me smile. I am still amazed that corn is always at arm’s length!