Job 1:21 KJV
[Job] said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.
No one wants to lose what we have worked hard to accumulate. We’d hate to lose our car, our job, our home, our clothes, our jewelry, or the electronics that bring us joy. But what would you do if God took it all away today? Within the past few weeks, we have seen reports of suicides, murders, and other acts of violence resulting from the economic meltdown.
What would you do, if unexpectedly, everything you value and held near and dear simply disappeared? What if fire, foreclosure, repossession or theft caused you to have a Job-like experience? Job's children and livestock died, his friends only wanted to come around to identify the problem, and his body was under attack. By contemporary standards, Job was a hot mess. However, Job did not throw in the towel.
I was in the middle of my schoolwork when God prompted me to consider, “Could you praise me if I took it all away?”
In the days ahead, we may lose some things that we never expected to.
Last week while watching the BET Honors show, Tyler Perry, who was once homeless and hopeless said, "I lost a job to gain a business, I lost an apartment to gain a house." Like Job, God gave him double for his trouble. Is it possible that God is purging something out of your life to prepare you for an abundant blessing? If so, could you say, “The LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.”
When I get hopeless, I do not have to think back to Job, but I am reminded of my ancestors who woke up one day as slaves and woke up the next as free men and women. Some of them stayed on the plantations and continued working the land while others just started walking. They didn’t know where they were going, but they kept walking. They didn’t have money, but they kept walking. They didn’t have food to eat, but they kept walking. They didn’t have a change of clothes, but they kept walking. The 40 acres and a mule never materialized, so they kept walking. And at the end of the day, they had their minds to think, a song in their souls, and their faith in God.
People of God, keep walking. Keep believing. Know today that God is in the midst of whatever you are going through.
I bind the spirit of anxiety, depression, fear, frustration and suicide; and in the matchless name of Jesus, I loose faith, hope, joy, peace, and God’s restorative power. I call forth healing in the minds of your people, God. And when it’s all said and done, you’ll get the glory out of it, Lord. It is in Jesus’s name we pray, Amen.
Continue to walk in your blessings as God walks with you every step of the way!
Good stuff Arlecia.
I remember this message being extremely popular when we were dealing with the Hurricane that rocked the south. Can we still be thankful in storm?
I'd like to say yes...
But I think I still have much to work on. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Arlecia, This was truly my morning inspiration. Please keep them coming.
I have lived in these words with God taking something away and I got so much better. I did not understand at the time but now all I can say is THANK YOU LORD!
thanks for giving me some peace of mind and reiminding me God is in control. I'm going to walk it out and keep walkin'!!
As God would say "Well done, my good and faithful servant".
This message is much needed for us all. I truely praise God that the fact of; if he took it all way from us that he cared enough about us to let us keep our mind, a song in our heart and our faith to believe in him. That comment right there is something to shout about. Thanks Arlecia for doing God's will. Stay encouraged and never get tired of fighting your way to the top. God see's and hears your cry. Because you are doing things according to God's will then everything will fall into line. It was good to see you Sunday. Much blessings.
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