
Thursday, November 28, 2013

In EVERYthing?

1 Thessalonians 5:18 “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

Thanksgiving Day became an official Federal holiday 150 years ago. I believe many people publicly gave God thanks way before that time. In the brush arbors I imagined my enslaved ancestors whom some will say had nothing to thank God for while in bondage, still thanked the Creator for guiding them through the struggles of this life. For many, they thanked God for life “on this side of the dirt” as well as the eternal life awaiting them on the other side of the river.

Today, some 150 years later, I am still giving thanks for being allowed to live, breathe and having my being on this side of the dirt. Thanks to my ancestors who likely prayed for me as they asked God to bless their children and children’s children. I thank the God who heard their humble cries and responded. God still responds. While it may not always be on the schedule we desire, there is a response. Consider the times God has responded to you, even when it was an answer you did not desire. Even during and after long seasons of waiting, we are still to give thanks.

For many of us this year has not been as smooth as others, but in every circumstance we are called to give thanks. A few weeks ago I thanked God for an unexpected car repair bill of nearly $700. You see, if I had gotten on the road as requested the day before, my car might have blown up due to a major oil leak. A few hundred dollars versus a new car? THANK YA! Some days in the midst of mouthing a lament I refocus my words and say “Lord, I thank you.” Oh, and when we begin to think of the goodness…I won’t preach here, but I will give thanks and go to bed after posting. While every day is a day of thanksgiving, it is my prayer that this day will be filled with good eating, fellowship and love! Whether you are alone, with family and/or friends,eating turkey or a bologna sandwich, give God some thanks.

 Until next time, remember to look and live!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Recently during an aqua aerobics class at capacity the instructor said "I am not sure what we are going to do in January with all the new people?" For a second I wondered, "Will our churches have the same problem?" Are people more concerned with their bodies or souls? What are you more concerned about? Do you spend more time strengthening you physical muscles while your spiritual ones suffer from atrophy?