
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

You are the Apple of His eye!

I was recently in the produce aisle of the grocery store and a Bartlett pear spoke to me. Well, the fruit did not actually speak, but as I made my selection, God spoke

I carefully selected my strawberries, inspecting each one to make sure there were no blemishes and bruising, and proceeded to the pears. The pears were rather small and a tad hard, but I need my fiber. I loaded my bag and noticed that I had selected a few with brown scars. Not bruised, but simply kissed by nature. “Why would I pick this one with all of these marks?” I asked myself. Instantly God spoke and said, “that’s how I often pick people.” By judging the outside of the fruit I was underestimating the value inside. “There’s some good stuff in there.” I heard as I massaged the fruit.

“This is good, stuff,” I thought, wishing I had a pen and paper to write this revelation down.

Have you underestimated your value because of what things look like on the outside? Have you ignored your calling because you are more concerned with what people will think? Have you underestimated someone else’s anointing/assignment because God did not personally e-mail you that He qualified them?

So often, we disqualify ourselves because of our pasts. We walk around paranoid that someone is going to uncover our hidden secrets or begin a testimony period: “I knew her when she use to…be at the club…be at the hotel….cuss like a sailor.” You fill in the blanks.

Did you get the memo that God knows the raw material He’s working with?

If you only take one thing away this week, remember this:
“Get in alignment with your assignment”.

We align our tires; why not align our lives with God’s will?

So often, we hear God speaking to us about our assignments, but we second-guess the message and ourselves. We underestimate God’s ability to see our hearts.(See 1 Samuel 16:7)

I am not advising you to quit your good job or use what’s left of your retirement to follow a wild dream, I just want to remind you that YOU are so much more than your listing in the employee directory or the label on your name tag. Today, if you have not already done so, ask God to help you get aligned with your assignment. Ask Him for instructions on what He has given you to do. Ask him to remove the fear and mute the negative self-talk that prevent you from being all He wants you to be.

Even if you have been bruised, bitten into, left to rot, or stripped of your protective skin, know that there is still something good inside of you that God can use for His glory. No matter what you look like to others, you are still the apple of His eye!

Enjoy the blessings of the Lord and continue to pray my strength!


Unknown said...

Thanks for this good word! Your reminder to "get in alignment with my assignment" is fabulous!


carolina magic said...

Uplifting and prayerful. Deeply thoughtful, too, brown daughter.

I'll keep these thoughts in mind throughout the rest of my week.

Good vibrations back to you--all way to Iowa from S.C.,